The Power of Words


This weekend, I watched the movie Gandhi. Although I could expound on the geopolitical implications of his non-violent resistance in both South Africa and India.  I’ll focus instead on the impact of his words on his country and the world community.

Words have the power to express love or hate, make us laugh or cry, drive us toward injustice or inspire us to be more than we ever thought possible.  Gandhi’s words were so powerful that it caused a whole nation of people to rise up when voices were needed and stand down when violence was not.

Be the change you want to see in the world is among his most famous quotes.  It’s a statement so simple, yet drives a person into action and self-discovery.

So, how are you, as writers of mystery and fantasy, children’s stories, and poetry, using your words?  You have the power to shed the light on the darkest part of us or make us laugh at our own stupidity.  You have the power to put a mirror up and force us to look at our own flawed selves or tilt it just a little and invite us to see our best side.

What do the words you put on paper say about you?

8 responses »

  1. Camou, the third person hero of MY novel, says it all for me by his actions. He is a reluctant eco-warrior. He lives in harmony with his surroundings and is continually dragged back into human affairs to stop others from soiling the nest. He is my ideal because he has already learned to live in harmony; and he is a metaphor for how we try to integrate our ideals and our everyday lives.

  2. I’m writing a memoir about an historic house that seduced me and my wife (then kidnapped our lives, pocketbooks, sanity and marriage!) Looking at the darkest sides and laughing at ourselves has been our salvation. Self deprecating humor makes for cheap and effective therapy! ;~) And looking at our almost 4 year long renovation of 4 unique buildings through the lens adventure — as a story — makes the sweet parts sweeter and the foibles and fiascos [almost] charming.

      • Charms, yes, and wiles, quirks, grudges… But in the end, we lived and learned much. And now it’s actually funny to look back on our adventure from the comfort of “having made it”. Cheers and thanks for your response!

  3. Interesting post.

    Although in my opinion I think Ghandi has been deified too much by the general public. I remember watching a documentary where they showed Ghandi as being a terribly racist towards black people.

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