Category Archives: Publishing

The Self-Publishing Roadmap


How to self-publish a bookWoooooo! It was a year and a half in the making. Lots of coffee and trips to Panera. Writing and editing and editing and editing…. I am so excited! My first book signing was at Delaware Authors Day in Lewes, DE with more to follow.

After I wrote my first book, The Almost Perfect Birthday Party, people asked me about my self-publishing journey. I began to write a few notes, which turned into a few pages until I discovered that I had written a book. It has been a year full of research and discovery. Now, I embark on the second phase of the process with a book launch and promotion.

Here is a brief description of what you will experience with this book:

Whether you are a business professional looking to brand yourself as an expert in your field, a first-time novelist dreaming of seeing your name in print, or someone who wants to hand down a treasured family history, The Self-Publishing Roadmap will guide you through each step of the process. This book is designed for those who are new to the self-publishing world in an easy-to-follow format with numerous resources to help you on your journey. The time has never been better to tell your story.

In the days and weeks to follow, I’ll post more writing, publishing, and book marketing tips to help you along your way, too. Feel free to ask questions and join the discussion. I would love feedback on the book. Please leave your reviews on Amazon.

Where are you on your writing and publishing journey?

25 Kit Lit Agents You Need to Follow


Find Kid Lit Agents on TwitterBecause the big house publishers are only accepting submissions through agents, it is more important than ever to keep up with agents in a rapidly changing industry. Although their websites will usually give a better clue as to what they are looking for, in general, following agents on Twitter will give you up to the minute information. It’s also a great way to get a feel for their personality and style. Here are 25 kid lit agents to follow on Twitter (in no particular order).

Steven Malk Writers House

Katherine Fausett  Curtis Brown, Ltd.

Bree Ogden D4EO Literary Agency

Louise Fury The Bent Agency

Kristin Miller Vincent D4EO Literary Agency

Bob Diforio D4EO Literary Agency

Gemma Cooper The Bent Agency

Michelle Andelman Regal Literary

Kelly Sonnack Andrea Brown Literary Agency

Danielle Chiotti Upstart Crow Literary

Elizabeth Harding Curtis Brown Ltd.

Jen Rofe Andrea Brown Literary Agency

Ginger Clark Curtis Brown Ltd.

Marietta B Zacker Nancy Gallt Literary Agency

Mandy Hubbard D4EO Literary Agency

Sarah LaPolla Bradford Literary

Kate McKean Howard Morhaim Literary Agency

Sara Megibow Nelson Literary Agency

Jill Corcoran Jill Corcoran Literary Agency

Joanna Volpe New Leaf Literary Agency

Michael Boureet Dystel and Goderich Literary Agency

Rebecca Sherman Writers House

Laura Bradford Bradford Literary Agency

Debbie Carter Waverly Place Literary Agency

Sara Crowe Harvey Klinger, Inc.

Which agents are your favorites on Twitter? Who did I miss?

You can follow me @loishoffmande

What Kind of Editor Do I Need?


If you are choosing to pursue the self-publishing route, hiring an editor is critical to the success of your book. Many writers skip this step due to cost or belief in their own ability to do it. It is hard to step out of yourself and be objective, even though much of editing is subjective.  Read a few 1 or 2 star ratings on Amazon or Goodreads before you decide you don’t need an editor.

There are different types of editors to help make your book professional and primed for rave reviews. While some editors might overlap a bit in what they edit, most stick to one angle and do a thorough review. The way you read a manuscript is different for each type of editing. Here is the difference between a content, line, and copy editor.

Content Editor

The content editor will use a broad brush to review your work. The editor will be an expert in the genre in which you write. They will look for balance, story arc, character development and can give general feedback, for example, as to whether the story should be in first or third person. They should have the tact and guts to tell you that you are on the wrong track if you missed the mark.

Line Editor

A line editor will look at your work more carefully. They will help you organize paragraphs and your thoughts about a topic or help rearrange chapters so the story flows better. They will help with sentence structure, word flow, and overall readability. They will help make your story come to life.

Copy Editor

A copy editor will look at details of your work. They are your proofreaders. They’ll look for typos, grammatical mistakes, and smooth out unclear sentences. It is easiest to find a good proofreader. You can enlist freelancers or virtual assistants to handle this task.

While it is not recommended that you skip hiring one or more editors, reading your manuscript through 3 times using these angles will greatly improve your writing and make professional editing even more effective.

If you are looking for more insight into editors, check out these posts. Before hiring any editor, check out books they have edited and ask for references whenever possible.

What is your experience with editors? Do you have one you recommend?